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Coming Up: A Glimpse into Deal Room


If you’ve followed ScaleFluidly you’ve probably heard a lot about our quoting tool, QuoteCX, and how it can improve employee workflow and customer experience. But one of ScaleFluidly’s biggest improvements to customer experience is still in the works. Today, we’re talking about Deal Room.


Collaboration is vital to building and maintaining good working relationships with customers and clients. Giving clients the opportunity to participate in the quoting process demonstrates transparency and builds trust.

Even as various businesses move toward a digital transformation, collaboration with customers is still largely a manual process. Sales reps draft quotes to send to the customer by email; the customer might redline edits or make comments and then send it back. The sales rep makes the edits, returns the quote…and so on.

These manual processes cost sales reps time, which costs their companies money. And it’s not a great experience for customers either. The team at ScaleFluidly decided to fix this problem by designing a collaborative digital space to house documents and make collaborating easy and simple, no matter the customer’s technical level.

Planned Functionality

Deal Room is being designed to be a one-stop-shop for all relevant documents, though its functionality at this point is tailor-made for QuoteCX—which means it will be automatically included in any ScaleFluidly implementation. The customer will use one Deal Room login, no matter what company they’re dealing with. This means customers will only have to learn one system. And it’s designed for easy learning.

“The end customer might not be familiar with CPQ or know the quoting system,” says ScaleFluidly co-founder and technical architect Venky Muppalaneni. “I should be able to see my quotes, my timeline, I should be able to chat with my sales rep. And, if everything is looking good, then I’ll just approve or reject.”

Simple but expansive functionality supports both sides of a negotiation, while allowing a business to preserve proprietary information. Sales reps have full control of the products and services added to a quote; customers may only customize existing items. This localized platform offers functionality like:

Native chat capabilities, with plans to integrate with Microsoft Teams and other popular organizational chat frameworks like Slack.

Permission-based participation, supporting multiple participants inside and outside the company.

Simple customer approvals and rejections.

Real-time editing and automatic version control, letting customers suggest changes in seconds and freeing up sales reps’ time.

Future capabilities include possible integration with payment systems so customers can approve a quote and then pay it, without having to coordinate further with a sales rep.


All in all, the ScaleFluidly team is excited to introduce Deal Room into the ScaleFluidly space and help companies build better—and more efficient—relationships with their customers.

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